Faculty Directory

Name | Title | Contact | Location | Letter | Office Hours |
Chris Abani | Board of Trustees Professor of English | 847-467-1065 chris.abani@northwestern.edu | University Hall 113 | A | Tuesdays by appointment |
Brian Bouldrey | Associate Professor of Instruction | 847-491-5595 b-bouldrey@northwestern.edu | University Hall 023 | B | Wednesdays 10-11, Thursdays 2-3 and by appointment; in person or online |
Katharine Breen | Professor of English; Chair of the Department of English | 847-491-7486 khbreen@northwestern.edu | University Hall 408 | B | TBA |
John Bresland | Associate Professor of Instruction | 847-467-1103 j-bresland@northwestern.edu | University Hall 028 | B | Mondays 10-11 & Fridays 11-12 |
Noah Chaskin | Assistant Professor of Instruction; WCAS Academic Advisor | 847-491-8916 noah.chaskin@northwestern.edu | 1908 Sheridan Road | C | Fridays 9:30-11:30, via Zoom |
Jennifer Comerford | Visiting Assistant Professor | 847-491-7294 JenniferComerford2023@u.northwestern.edu | University Hall 005 | C | TBA |
Kalisha Cornett | Assistant Professor of Instruction; WCAS Academic Advisor | 847-491-8916 krcornett@northwestern.edu | 1908 Sheridan Road | C | On Leave |
Averill Curdy | Professor of Instruction | 847-467-1976 a-curdy@northwestern.edu | University Hall 022 | C | Mondays 1:30-2:30 & Wednesdays 10:30-11:30, in Office and via Zoom |
Matthew Davis | Visiting Assistant Professor | matthew.davis1@northwestern.edu | University Hall 013 | D | Mondays & Wednesdays 2-3 |
Nick Davis | Associate Professor of English; Director, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program; Alumnae of Northwestern Teaching Professor | 847-491-3433 nicholas-davis@northwestern.edu | University Hall 307 | D | Mondays 2-3, Tuesdays 11-12, and by appt |
Tracy C. Davis | Ethel M. Barber Professor of Performing Arts; Professor of English and Theatre | 847-491-3138 tcdavis@northwestern.edu | 70 Arts Circle Dr, 5-173 | D | On Leave |
Sarah Dimick | Assistant Professor of English | 847-491-7294 sarah.dimick@northwestern.edu | University Hall 019 | D | Mondays 2-3 & Tuesday 11:15-12:15 |
Sheila Donohue | Professor of Instruction | 847-491-8916 spdonohue@northwestern.edu | 1908 Sheridan Road | D | Tuesdays 5-6, by appointment; email to schedule. |
Kasey Evans | Associate Professor of English; Director of Graduate Studies, Department of English | 847-491-7135 ksevans@northwestern.edu | University Hall 303 | E | TBA |
Harris Feinsod | Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies | 847-491-7294 h-feinsod@northwestern.edu | University Hall 215 | F | On Leave |
Christine Froula | Professor of English, Comparative Literary Studies, and Gender & Sexuality Studies | 847-491-3599 cfroula@northwestern.edu | University Hall 405 | F | Mondays & Wednesdays 4-5, in office and via Zoom |
Johana Godfrey | Visiting Assistant Professor | 847-491-5138 johana.godfrey@northwestern.edu | University Hall 319 | G | Mondays 11-12 & Wednesdays 2-3, in person and online) |
Susannah Young-ah Gottlieb | Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies; Director of the Poetry & Poetics Colloquium & Cluster; Associate Chair of the Department of English | 847-491-3091 s-gottlieb@northwestern.edu | University Hall 321 | G | TBA |
Jay Grossman | Associate Professor of English | 847-491-7321 j-grossman@northwestern.edu | University Hall 305 | G | Tuesdays 2-4 via Zoom |
Laura Hansen | Lecturer | 847-491-7294 laura.hansen@northwestern.edu | University Hall 001B | H | TBA |
Daisy Hernández | Associate Professor of English; Director of the English Major in Writing | 847-491-1783 daisy.hernandez@northwestern.edu | University Hall 225 | H | Monday and Wednesdays by appointment, in person and online) |
James J. Hodge | Associate Professor of English | 847-491-5675 james.hodge@northwestern.edu | University Hall 413 | H | Tuesdays 2-4 & by appt; email to schedule. |
Michelle N. Huang | Assistant Professor | 847-491-5837 michelle.n.huang@northwestern.edu | University Hall 226 | H | Thursday 2-4, via Zoom |
Lauren Jackson | Assistant Professor of English | J | On Leave | ||
Rebecca Johnson | Associate Professor of English and the Alice Kaplan Institute of the Humanities | 847-467-1365 rebeccacjohnson@northwestern.edu | University Hall 404 | J | TBA |
Sarah Kokernot | Artist in Residence | 847-491-7294 sarah.kokernot@northwestern.edu | UH 029 | K | TBA |
Jules Law | Professor of English and Comparative Literature | 847-491-5526 jlaw@northwestern.edu | University Hall 313 | L | TBA |
Justin L. Mann | Assistant Professor of English | 847-491-4718 justin.mann@northwestern.edu | University Hall 326 | M | TBA |
Susan Manning | Professor of English, Theatre, and Performance Studies; Bergen Evans Professor in the Humanities | 847-491-5120 s-manning@northwestern.edu | University Hall 406 | M | By appointment |
Juan Martinez | Associate Professor of English | 847-467-4677 juan.martinez@northwestern.edu | University Hall 328 | M | Tuesdays 8:30-10:30, in person and online |
Jeffrey Masten | Professor of English and Gender & Sexuality Studies; Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of English | 847-491-3012 j-masten@northwestern.edu | University Hall 308 | M | Tues 10:30 a.m. -12:10 p.m. (in person or Zoom); Thursdays 2:00-3:10 p.m. (Zoom unless previously arranged). Book at https://calendar.app.google/hhj5fvZWuVgz2cud7 |
Evan Mwangi | Melville J. Herskovits Professor of African Studies; Professor of English | 847-491-3529 evan-mwangi@northwestern.edu | University Hall 119 | M | Tuesdays & Thursdays 2-3 |
Kalyan Nadiminti | Assistant Professor of English | 847-467-1149 kalyan.nadiminti@northwestern.edu | University Hall 403 | N | TBA |
Barbara Newman | John Evans Professor of Latin; Professor of English, Classics, and History | 847-491-5679 bjnewman@northwestern.edu | University Hall 304 | N | Mondays & Wednesdays 3-4 and by appt. |
Douglas O'Hara | Lecturer | 847-491-7486 douglas.ohara@northwestern.edu | University Hall 408 | O | TBA |
Susan Phillips | Associate Professor of English | 847-491-3368 susie-phillips@northwestern.edu | University Hall 315 | P | Tuesdays & Thursdays 2-3 |
Mariajosé Rodríguez Pliego | Assistant Professor of English | mariajose.rodriguezpliego@northwestern.edu | University Hall 407 | R | Tuesdays 1-2, in-person at UH 407 & Wednesdays 3-4, via Zoom |
Bill Savage | Professor of Instruction; WCAS Advisor | 847-491-8916 b-savage@northwestern.edu | 1908 Sheridan Road | S | By appointment, via Zoom |
Sarah Schulman | Ralla Klepak Professor of English | 847-491-3097 sarah.schulman@northwestern.edu | University Hall 419 | S | By Appointment; email to schedule. |
Regina Schwartz | Professor of English | 847-491-3637 regina-s@northwestern.edu | University Hall 324 | S | Thursdays 9-11 |
Shauna Seliy | Professor of Instruction | 847-467-2675 s-seliy@northwestern.edu | University Hall 024 | S | TBA |
Charif Shanahan | Assistant Professor of English | 847-467-3944 charif.shanahan@northwestern.edu | University Hall 222 | S | On Leave 2024-25 |
Laurie Shannon | Franklyn Bliss Snyder Professor of English Literature | 847-491-3643 l-shannon@northwestern.edu | University Hall 323 | S | Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:15-3:15, in person and via Zoom. |
Vivasvan Soni | Associate Professor of English | 847-467-0699 v-soni@northwestern.edu | University Hall 325 | S | Mondays & Wednesdays 5pm-6pm |
Julia Stern | Henry Sanborn Noyes Professor of Literature, Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence, Professor of English | 847-491-3530 j-stern3@northwestern.edu | University Hall 208 | S | Thursdays 5-7 by appointment; email to schedule |
Adam Syvertsen | Visiting Assistant Professor | 847-491-7294 AdamSyvertsen2025@u.northwestern.edu | UH 003 | S | Mondays & Wednesdays 12-1 |
Helen Thompson | Professor of English | 847-491-7187 hthompson@northwestern.edu | University Hall 415 | T | Tuesdays & Thursdays 11-12 |
Natasha Trethewey | Board of Trustees Professor of English; Director of Creative Writing; Director of Graduate Studies, Litowitz Graduate Program in Creative Writing (MFA+MA) | 847-491-4068 natasha.trethewey@northwestern.edu | University Hall 224 | T | Monday 2-4 and by appointment, in person |
Elizabeth Trubey | Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Professor of Instruction | 847-491-7560 eft@northwestern.edu | 1922 Sheridan Road | T | By appointment at 1922 Sheridan |
Wendy Wall | Avalon Professor of the Humanities; Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence; Professor of English | 847-467-1064 w-wall@northwestern.edu | University Hall 204 | W | On Leave 2024-25 |
Rachel Jamison Webster | Professor of Instruction | 847-491-0894 r-webster@northwestern.edu | University Hall 027 | W | TBA |
William N. West | Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies | 847-467-1345 w-west@northwestern.edu | University Hall 306/Kresge 4-305 | W | Tuesdays 10-12 |
Ivy Wilson | Associate Professor of English | 847-491-3496 i-wilson@northwestern.edu | University Hall 206 | W | TBA |
Kelly Wisecup | Arthur E. Andersen Teaching and Research Professor; Professor of English | 847-467-6088 kelly.wisecup@northwestern.edu | University Hall 228 | W | Mondays 3:30-4:30 (in person) and Tuesdays 11-12 (via Zoom) |
Tristram Wolff | Associate Professor of English | 847-467-7743 triswolff@northwestern.edu | University Hall 322 | W | Tuesdays & Wednesdays 2-3, or by appointment |