Laura Biagi
Laura Biagi graduated from Northwestern in 2009 with a B.A. in the English Major in Creative Writing and Anthropology. Since graduating, she has worked as a Literary Agent at the Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency, Inc., in New York City, where she seeks out talented authors and helps them hone their manuscripts editorially before selling their books to publishing houses. She represents authors of adult literary fiction and nonfiction as well as YA, middle grade, and picture books. She spends her time evaluating manuscripts, providing editorial feedback, crafting pitch letters, matchmaking authors and editors, negotiating deals, and strategizing how best to guide her authors’ careers. She also handles the sale of UK and Australian rights as well as audio rights for the agency as a whole. Her Northwestern creative workshops, where she honed her editorial skills, were instrumental in setting her down a career path in publishing. Advice: If you’re interested in publishing, first pursue a summer internship while you’re still in college as it can be very hard to break into the industry without one. Also, make sure you’re absolutely dedicated to the industry as it’s notoriously a lot of work before you see a salary pay-off. But if books are what you’re passionate about and you don’t mind spending a lot of time outside work reading and editing, it can be a wonderful field to be in.