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Graduate Students in the Department of English

(click for listings of students in Comparative Literary Studies below)

Ady, Elisa

3rd-year MFA+MA
: Fiction
Areas of Interest: magical realism, borderlands, the queer uncanny, domestic dread, the un/inhuman (monsters, ghosts, robotic bodies)

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Aftel, Samuel

2nd-year PhD
Areas of Interest
: 20th- and 21st-century American literature and culture, affect theory, postcolonialism, Marxism, and queer theory

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Aghamohammadi, Temperance

1st-year PhD
: Poetry & Poetics
Areas of Interest
: (the long history of) radical poetry & poetics, sound studies, erotics, the feminine auteur, trans* studies & praxis, image-text, religion & occultism, phenomenologies

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Allan, Maggie

1st-year PhD
: 20th and 21st Century American Literature
Areas of Interest: Science Fiction, Marxism, Ecocriticism, Critical Theory, Popular Culture Studies

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Aston, Eric

1st-year PhD

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Balooni, Agam

PhD candidate
Field: 19th-century British literature

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Barcelona, Dawn

2nd-year MFA+MA
: Poetry

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Bellaart, Elena

PhD Candidate

Field: American literature
Areas of Interest: 19th-century American women’s writing, 19th-century representations of gender, labor, and domesticity

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Bergh, Rio

PhD candidate
Field: American literature
Areas of Interest: 18th- and 19th-century American literatures; environmental humanities; Indigenous studies; material textual studies

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Bianchi, Andrea

3rd-year MFA+MA
: Creative Nonfiction
Areas of Interest: memoir, lyric essay, relationship and family dynamics

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Boyden, Kayla

PhD Candidate
: African American Literature
Areas of Interest
: Black contemporary poetry and poetics, Black feminist thought, and critical theory

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Chase, Kai

PhD Candidate

Field: Contemporary American Literature
Areas of Interest: Black feminist theory; Indigenous studies; Abolition; Trans Studies; Latin American and Caribbean literature

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Cho, Hayon

1st-year PhD

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Cohen, Emma

PhD candidate
: Early Modern literature
Areas of Interest: illness and embodiment, epistemologies of the sickbed, theorizations of capacity, affect, disability studies

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Cornejo Griffin, María José

2nd-year PhD
Areas of Interest
: Early Modern Literature, Early Modern Drama, Literature and Science, Literature and Imperialism

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Corning-Myers, Michaela

PhD candidate

Field: American literature
Areas of Interest: 19th-century American literature, medicine in literature, naturalism, modernity, and gender and sexuality 

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English, Samantha

PhD Candidate

Field: American literature
Areas of Interest: contemporary aftermaths of the 19th century Anglo-American novel, literary form and adaptation, queer theory, girlhood studies 

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Feero, Eliza

PhD Candidate

Field: Medieval literature
Areas of Interest: Pre-modern critical race studies; European representations of Islam and blackness; conversion and the body in pre-modern literature; manuscript studies and history of the book; textual afterlife

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Gibeily, Allison

PhD Candidate
Field: Global 18th century literature
Areas of Interest: 18th century Arabic and English travel writing; postcolonial studies; archive studies; medical humanities

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Goddu, Charlotte

4th-year PhD

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Goetz, Callum

1st-year PhD
: 20th/21st-century American literature
Areas of Interest: Surrealism, Deconstruction, Postmodernism, Ideology & the History of Ideas, Modern Arabic Literature

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Griffith-Gorgati, Isabel

3rd-year PhD

Field: 20th/21st-century transatlantic literature
Areas of Interest: Gender and sexuality studies, postcolonial studies, Irish literature, war and nationalism

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Gutierrez-Lowe, Mariana

PhD candidate
Field: American literature
Areas of Interest: Latinx literature, indigenous studies, postcolonial feminisms, borders and citizenship, decolonization, and motherhood

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Happe, Nat

3rd-year MFA+MA
: Creative Nonfiction

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Hirsi, Mariam

3rd-year MFA+MA
Genre: Fiction

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Howard, Annie

1st-year MFA+MA
: Creative Nonfiction

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 Ibarra, Alexandra

PhD candidate
Field: American literature
Areas of Interest: Latinx literary and cultural studies

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Johnson, Lauren

3rd-year PhD
: 20th/21st-c American lit
Areas of Interest: African American literature, jazz studies, critical race and ethnic studies, and gender and sexuality studies

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Johnson, Mitchell

3rd-year MFA+MA
Genre: Creative Nonfiction

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Jones-Torregrosa, Paulina

PhD Candidate

Field: 20th/21st-century American literature
Areas of Interest: Latinx literatures and cultures, women of color feminisms, gender and sexuality studies, multiethnic U.S. American literatures since 1900

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Kim, Irene

PhD Candidate

Field: 20th/21st-century American literature
Areas of Interest: race and ethnic studies, affect, aesthetics, poetics, media theory, and visual culture

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Lee, Jon

1st-year MFA+MA
: Poetry

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Narayan, Govind

PhD Candidate
Field: 19th Century British and Contemporary Indian Anglophone Literatures
Areas of Interest: Comparison, Energy, Empire, and Postcolonial Studies

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Ngu, River

1st-year PhD
Field: Contemporary Anglophone literature
Areas of interest: Asian American studies, queer/trans studies, aesthetics, narrative, affect, childhood, sports/games, Marxism, psychoanalysis

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Nhu, Ryan

PhD candidate

Field: 20th/ 21st-century American literature
Areas of Interest: feminist and queer studies, psychoanalysis (Freud, Klein, Winnicott), Black and Asian American literary traditions

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nisenson, sarah

PhD candidate
: 20th/ 21st-century American literature
Areas of Interest: post-1945 American literature, feminist new materialism, eco-criticism

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Okafor, Anthony Chidera

2nd-year MFA+MA
: Poetry

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Ortiz, James

MA student

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Pan, Phoebe

PhD candidate
: Renaissance/early modern literature
Areas of Interest: poetry & poetics, posthumanism, queer ecologies, trans* studies

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Qiao, Wenshu

1st-year PhD
: Poetry & Poetics
Areas of Interest: Romanticism, affect studies, history of emotions, cognitive literary studies

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Reza, Rafael

MA student

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Rips, Avey

PhD Candidate
Field: American literature

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Rose, Ronnie

1st-year MFA+MA
: Creative Nonfiction

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Sears, Sof

2nd-year MFA+MA
: Fiction

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Seiler, Robin

1st-year MFA+MA
: Poetry

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Shou Li, June

2nd-year PhD
: Contemporary American literature
Areas of Interest: systems theory, urban infrastructure studies, political affect, narratorial subjunctivity

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Singh, Angad

PhD candidate

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Snell, Alaia

1st-year PhD
: 20th/21st-century American literature
Areas of Interest: Indigenous studies, environmental humanities, science and speculative fiction, multiethnic literature and counterstory, decolonial praxis

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 Taveras, Emely

2nd-year MFA+MA
: Fiction

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Vieytez, Maria

PhD candidate
Field: Medieval literature
Areas of Interest: Narratology, critical race studies, and affect theory

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Waldman, Avi

1st-year PhD

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Williams, Heather

1st-year PhD
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Winter, Elizabeth

PhD candidate
Field: 19th-century British literature
Areas of Interest: transatlantic literary exchange, feminist theory, and critical race theory

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 Xu, Olivia Lingyi

PhD Candidate
Field: 19th-century British literature
Areas of Interest: 19th-century British Literature; Modern Chinese Literature; Translation Studies; History of the Novel; Asian Diasporic Studies; Global Anglophone and Sinophone Studies; Critical Race Studies; Postcolonial Studies

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Yarberry, Smith

PhD Candidate

Field: Poetry & Poetics
Areas of Interest: prosody, romanticism, Blakean studies, twenty-first century poetry & poetics, trans(gender) literature, avant-garde traditions

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Yen, Sreddy

PhD Candidate

Field: 20th/21st-century Anglophone literature
Areas of Interest: contemporary African literatures, humanism, relationality, identity politics

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Yoon, Yasmin

PhD candidate
: Contemporary Asian American literature
Areas of Interest: Eco-criticism, New Materialism, Affect Theory, Posthumanism

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Zhu, Ruiyi

1st-year PhD
: Early Modern/Renaissance literature and drama
Areas of Interest: Affect theory; Psychoanalytic theory; BIPOC/global/de-colonial Shakespeares; Gender and sexuality; Excess, waste, and literary excess; Abjection

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Comparative Literature/English Graduate Students

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Bao, Viola

Bhagat, Raina

Chavez, Jose

Kadin, Hannah

Nkrumah, Yaa

Polster, Barbarita