The Graduate Student Colloquia offer English department graduate students a constructive forum in which to present their work to their colleagues. Sponsored by the Department of English and EGSO, the Colloquia are run by graduate students for graduate students. Participation in the Colloquia develops and extends graduate students' professional skills both as speakers and as members of academic audiences. Each Colloquium offers students the opportunity to share work with academic colleagues; it furnishes a non-competitive arena in which to practice presenting papers at conferences; and it gives students an opportunity to present works-in-progress to a diverse and receptive audience.
Speakers are scheduled by responding to an open Call For Papers issued at the commencement of Fall Quarter. Papers are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis after the Colloquia schedule is announced. One must only submit a title rather than an abstract or formal proposal to secure a position. At the end of the year, the English Department and EGSO will host a lunch to honor their six presenters and Colloquia organizers.
Meetings are generally held during the middle of each quarter. EGSO hosts three Colloquia per academic year. The EGSO Representative for students in course work is responsible for recruiting speakers, scheduling meetings and reserving rooms, publicizing individual Colloquium and the Colloquia as a whole, arranging refreshments for meetings, and managing the budget.