Robert Dentler Memorial Prizes
Mary Bradford "Meeting and Confrontation: The Eternal Stone Object in Keats and Mandelstam"
Emma Montogomery "Clarity in Chaos: Expression of Identity in Haryette Mullen's Muse and Drudge"
Jack Drumm "The Haunted Poet: Emily Dickinson and M. NourbeSe Philip as Mouthpieces for the Dead"
James Amick "Cutting the Whale Lines"
Alexander Becker "One Who Does Not Speak Greek' Politics of Language in U.S.-Mexico Relations"
Rachel Girty "This is not a Requiem"
Alanna Henry "If There be 'Tongues in Trees': Communication and Voicelessness in Alnwick Castle"
Abigail Barronian "In the Cowitz Valley"
Kristian Ayala "On Self-Imposed Liminality: Adaptations of Christianity As Protest for Beats and Latin American Revolutionaries"
Ezra Olson "Selections"
Travis Steele "Race and Poetry: The Struggle with Authorial Lineage in Hughes' These for English B"
Alexandra Pechman "The Dots," "August 31," and "Two Foxes"
Maxwell Kuehn "'Little Star:' Translating Gottfried Benn's Kleine Aster into English"
Emily Anderson "Stuart Dybek's Benediction: The Struggle for American Spiritual Identity"
Alleliah Nuguid "Drive"
Jack Neubauer "'Galileo, Less Assured': Milton's Treatment of Galileo in Paradise Lost"Christopher Adamson "The Erotic and Divine in John Donne: A Convergence of New Worlds"
Samuel Johnson "The Canoe"
Ali Pechman "Summer, In the Study"
Christopher Adamson "The Strange Sublimity of Mark Stand"
Madeline Weinstein "Last Morning: A Likeness"