Early Modern Colloquium
To stay informed about the EMC’s many events, please contact the Graduate Coordinator to be added to our list-serve and Canvas page.
The Early Modern Colloquium is an interdisciplinary group based in the English Department that hosts conversations between faculty and doctoral students working on early modern/Renaissance cultures from a variety of academic disciplines and departments.
Founded in 2000, the EMC is administered by advanced graduate students, with the support of faculty. EMC presenters include Northwestern faculty, graduate students, and faculty from other universities. The group builds on the extraordinarily strong early modern presence in Northwestern’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and other schools and brings into dialogue participants from Art History, Comparative Literature, English, French and Italian, Gender and Sexuality Studies, German, History, Musicology, Philosophy, Poetry and Poetics, Political Science, Spanish and Portuguese, Theatre and Drama, and other departments and programs.
2023-24 Schedule
Past Participants
Past guests and speakers have included:
- Gina Bloom
University of California Davis - Dympna Callaghan
Syracuse University - Michael Cole
Columbia University - Bradin Cormack
Princeton University - Suzanne Cusick
New York University - Katherine Eggert
University of Colorado Boulder - Lynn Enterline
Vanderbilt University - Kasey Evans
Northwestern University - Juliet Fleming
University of Cambridge - Erica Fudge
University of Strathclyde - Marjorie Garber
Harvard University - K. Dawn Grapes
Colorado State University - Megan Hefferman
DePaul University - Jean Howard
Columbia University - Michel Jourde
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Sophie Lemercier-Goddard
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Lia Markey
Newberry Library - Jeffrey Masten
Northwestern University - David Lee Miller
University of South Carolina - Cynthia Nazarian
Northwestern University - Mary Nyquist
University of Toronto - Stephen Orgel
Stanford University - Beth Quitslund
Ohio University - Adrian Randolph
Northwestern University - Marjorie Rubright
University of Toronto - Alessandra Russo
Columbia University - Laurie Shannon
Northwestern University - Bruce Smith
University of Southern California - Nigel Smith
Princeton University - Peter Stallybrass
University of Pennsylvania - Richard Strier
University of Chicago - William N. West
Northwestern University
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- Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities
- Art History
- English
- French and Italian
- History
- Musicology
- Political Science
- Religious Studies
- Spanish and Portuguese
- Theatre and Drama
- The Graduate School
- Weinberg College of Arts and Science