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Edwin L. Shuman Award for Outstanding Junior and Senior

Luke Notkin
Outstanding Junior in Creative Writing

Abeje Schnake
Outstanding Senior in Creative Writing

Seunghee Chang 
Outstanding Junior in Literature

Joy Zhao 
Outstanding Junior in Literature

Nathan Omprasadham
Outstanding Senior in Literature

Sarah Fernández Tabet 
Outstanding Senior in Literature

Honors Thesis Awards

Katherine Moore
AWARD: Best Honors Thesis in Creative Writing

Mariama Pouye 
AWARD: Best Honors Thesis in Creative Writing

Nathan Omprasadham
AWARD: Best Honors Thesis in Literature

Edwin L. Shuman Awards

Eve Leupold 
“Two Fleabags”
AWARD: for Creative Nonfiction Essay

Emilio Cabral 
Pas de Deux
AWARD: for Fiction

Stephanie Markowitz
AWARD: for Fiction

Helen G. Scott Prizes

Roy Zhu 
Native Futures and Pasts: Indigenizing the Southeast
AWARD: for an English First-Year Seminar Paper

Laurisa Sastoque
Be Dammed: The Global Hydrosphere in Opposition to the Hydraulic Empire
AWARD: for Best Critical Essay on American Literature

Nathan Omprasadham
A Backwards Evanescence
AWARD: for Best Critical Essay on Literary Criticism and Theory

Madeline Powell 
Aphra, Actresses, and Assault: How the Emergence of Restoration-Era Actresses and the Reformation of Sexual Assault Laws Inform Aphra Behn’s The Rover
AWARD: for Best Research Paper on Literature

August Moody
No One Likes to Grieve
AWARD: for Creative Writing in Fiction

Natalie Jarrett 
Aphasia; Sonnets For Dead Rappers: MF DOOM; Zuhitsu
AWARD: for Creative Writing in Poetry

Olivia Putnam 
Adult Supervision
AWARD: for Creative Writing in Nonfiction

Eva Herscowitz 
Tear Up The Tulips
AWARD: for Digital Media

Jean Meyer Aloe Poetry Prize

Noah Rabinovitch  
“Florida Man”
AWARD: Jean Meyer Aloe Poetry Prize from The Academy of American Poets 

Robert Mayo Memorial Prize for Best English 300 Paper

Claire Lu 
Gendering of the public and private sphere in Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market”"