Paul Breslin
Professor Emeritus of English

Paul Breslin (Ph.D. University of Virginia) is author of The Psycho-Political Muse: American Poetry since the Fifties (Chicago, 1987); You Are Here (poems, TriQuarterly Books, Fall 2000); Nobody's Nation: Reading Derek Walcott (Chicago, 2001); Between My Eye and the Light (poems, TriQuarterly/Northwestern University Press, October 2014), and, with Rachel Ney, The Tragedy of King Christophe (a translation, with introduction and annotations, of Aimé Césaire's La Tragédie du roi Christophe (Northwestern University Press, March 2015). In 2005, with Robert Hamner, he co-edited a special Derek Walcott issue of Callaloo and, with A. James Arnold, an annotated text of La Tragédie du roi Christophe for Aimé Césaire: Poésie, Théâtre, Essais et Discours: édition critique (CNRS éditions/Planète Libre, 2013), under Arnold's general editorship.